The leader of Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital shares how some implemented ideas have fared.

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Orginally posted by HealthLeaders

BY Jay Asser, January 30, 2024

Many rural hospital CEOs are searching for answers in their mission to keep the doors open in the face of financial turmoil.

For David Schreiner, CEO of Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital, not every strategy his facility has applied has been a home run, but the ideas that didn’t pan out served as lessons learned.

Understanding what has and hasn’t worked has allowed the Dixon, Illinois-based hospital to remain independent and stave off some of the crippling perils that have plagued so many rural operators across the country.

Watch Schreiner describe what’s been successful and not-so-successful during his time at the helm in the video below.

Jay Asser is the contributing editor for strategy at HealthLeaders. 

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